Friday, July 13, 2012

Olympic uniforms

The decision to have American Olympic uniforms manufactured in China must have been made by unpatriotic, out- sourcing congenital idiots!

Monday, July 09, 2012

Texas Navy!

Texas has a navy! High speed boats have started patrolling the Rio Grande which divides Mexico and the United States.

Smugglers and drug traffickers use the river to infiltrate and unload their cargoes on the US side of the river, but when the U S Border Patrol tries to arrest or stop them, the river becomes an escape route to safety on Mexico's side of the river.

When the Border Patrol attempts to stop and arrest drivers of vehicles loaded with bales of drugs, often times a high speed car chase ensues with the drug traffickers driving their vehicle directly into the river; then they escape back into Mexico.

Drug traffickers keep numerous small boats in the river ready to pick up persons and salvage the bales of drugs to return them to Mexico until the next attempt to unload them on the US side.

Hopefully the speed boats will put a dent in the drug traffic and the persistent smuggling of undocumented aliens.

[Editor's note: CBS News story with video click here.]