Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio today say that in Bush’s speech tonight, he will tell us the same thing he has told us before about the war in Iraq. E-GADS, I hope he isn’t going to tell us we are still looking for weapons of mass destruction!!!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Rumsfeld implies success in the war in Iraq doesn’t necessarily mean ‘domestic tranquility’. I thought when a war was won, hostilities stopped. If Rumsfeld is right, we should declare VICTORY and bring the troops home!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Good for Kennedy! We need more like him calling for Rumsfeld’s resignation! If General Abizaid is unafraid to contradict administration personnel and state the obvious, I believe the situation is already the catastrophe General Myers says the Iraq war will become if we don’t stay. We need an EXIT stratagem and we need it NOW.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The war in Iraq is going so badly, I wonder that the President and his administration can keep a straight face when they say we are winning. Even the CIA is implying that the ‘insurgents’ are capable of planning and executing world wide damage far exceeding that caused by our failure in Vietnam.

At least a few republicans are beginning to ask for an exit strategy.

They say Bush is ‘Resolute’… In my book that means plain stubbornness. He practically dares anyone to dispute him when he leans over a podium and smiles as he proclaims his policies.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Biden wants to be President…already campaigning to be the Party’s nominee. He needles Bush for not being forthright with the American public on how long our troops will have to stay in Iraq, but he seems to acquiesce with our being there. Didn’t he vote for the war? … Is he having second thoughts now that the war isn’t going so well? What’s his program to end the war?

Saturday, June 18, 2005


STOP CAFTA! It doesn’t serve the interests of justice and the common good!

The Democratic Party should get back to being the true party of the working class and average Americans.

The House passed a bill to cut funds to the United Nations. WHAT’S THAT ALL ABOUT? Could it be the first step in Bush’s GLOBALIZATION plan? If Bolton becomes Ambassador to the U N, is that the 2nd?

Friday, June 17, 2005


The G8 is proposing a tax on air travel. If passed, this would be the First Global Tax in history.

Today they have agreed to cancel $40 Billion poor countries owe the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the African Development Bank. Paul Wolfawitz at the World Bank wants to reform the World Trade Org. (WTO). Are these machinations designed to achieve GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.?

Halliburton is building a $30 million dollar facility at Guantanamo, Cuba, known as Detention Camp #6. It will hold 220 men. At present, there are 520 prisoners. The $30 million will become $500 million if all options are exercised. Today there are proposals in the House of Representatives to close the facility at Guantanamo. Do those politicians know that the defense dept is expanding this facility? If not, why not?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Welcome to Yellow Dog Rulz

Welcome to my blog.

I make no effort to be FAIR, BALANCE or UNBIASED! This is a place where I tell it like I see it and I make no appologies for what I put in here.

There will be interesting stories about whatever I have in my food bowl at the time, and I hope that you come back and help me digest the day's feeding!

Until suppertime then,

Yellow Dog Rulz